Windows 10 upgrade in phone

Finally microsoft introduce a app which is Upgrade Advisor Beta, which gives the information about the your windows phone is windows 10 ready or not.
In the previous few months microsoft said to be windows 10 soon released to other microsoft named devices first then it will be for Nokia, Samsung, HTC and some other smartphone creating companies of windows.

In the meantime, there are a few already known requirements to get the update that we can reiterate for you. First of all, your Lumia needs to have at least 8GB of storage, 1.5GB of which free as a minimum for the installation process to work. Your current software version must also be 8.10.14219.341 or higher, or in other words, you must have the Lumia Denim update already installed. Also, as far as we currently know, the initial Windows 10 build that is going to seed to legacy devices is numbered 10.0.10586.29.

For more detail click this link :- Microspft app


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